Paleo Top 7

ce the Paleo diet centers around a few key ingredients, grocery shopping has become much more simplified.  Here are the Top 6 Ingredients I use every day.

Farm Fresh, Cage Free, or Organic Large Brown

If it were not for eggs, I have a much harder time eating Paleo. I eat eggs all the time.

Fried, scrambled, crepes, or boiled, eggs are the perfect quick protein source. Plus, they are very budget friendly.



Fresh Leafy Greens

Leafy greens can be bought in bulk, and prepared a multiple of different ways.

My favorite way? Topped with a crispy fried egg.

Hemp Protein Powder

This particular protein powder is unflavored, but can be bought in many flavors including the ever important chocolate. I prefer Hemp Protein because it is not soy based.

Medjool Dates

Dates are an excellent source of fiber and vitamins, and are great for on-the-go snacks. I also use them all the time in recipes, literally. Like I have one date left.

Sea Salt

Mineral rich salt is the perfect simple flavoring for cooking.

Pure Raw Honey

My favorite sweetener for desserts or recipes.

Coconut Oil

Last, but not least, coconut oil.  Rarely do I eat a meal that does not involve coconut oil one way or another.

I’m a horrible cook

Okay, maybe not a horrible cook. But I’m still learning the ropes of being a good cooking blogger. Maybe you can relate.

I tend to cook on the go, so anything that needs to be chopped or cut is thrown in my magic NutriBullet blender. this cuts out a lot of steps, but I cant help thinking that somehow this isn’t proper.

I follow a recipe to an extent, but then I decide that maybe a little more of this or a tad less of that would be better. So I end up with something far different. Usually the end result is amazing, but then I never write down how or what so it’s difficult to repeat.

I’m not a picture perfect cook. For instance, I used a liquid measuring pitcher for a mixing bowl.

I never take pictures, I’m usually too busy cleaning up or keeping my sibling’s fingers out of my food.

I’m told I cook like my grandma, I sling the hash (Sorry if you don’t speak Southern.) I can’t imagine a better comparison. Yes, I make mess, and I forget to catalog all the beautiful things I create to share on my blog. But in the end, after my raisin fingers have recovered from hand washing all those dishes, I’m eating rich wholesome foods that nourish my body, with the hopes I’ll remember to share them with y’all.


Top Five Paleo Friendly Snack Favorites



Last week was my spring break. I would love to say that I spent the whole week trying out or discovering new recipes to share on this blog, but that would be entirely unrealistic.  I took advantage of having no school, and so I worked the solid week. But I was able to enjoy some of the sunshine!

Being on the go meant that I relied heavily on snack products. And let’s be honest, finding paleo friendly snack products that won’t break that bank is not always easy! Here is my top five paleo friendly snack favorites!

 Paleo Friendly Top Five Snack Products

1. Jerky

My #1 rule
for life is never leave home without jerky. That being said, finding a natural jerky option that isn’t super expensive when I am too busy to make my own is pretty difficult at times! So far, I’ve discovered two that are just as delicious as they are Paleo-friendly! And both packages are under $5!

Duke’s Original “Shorty” Smoked Sausages

Oberta All Natural Bacon Jerky 

2. KIND Bars

Kind bars are definitely the closest Paleo-friendly “granola” type bars available! Nut based, with dozens of flavors these guys will quickly become your favorite! Watch carefully though, not all the bars are 100% Paleo approved. Some of them have peanuts, corn syrup, and dairy. These bars run from $1.15 to $2, depending on where you find them. You can also buy them in large quantities! My personal favorite? Almond and Coconut!


LARABARS are soft, doughy, and just downright delicious! These bars run about the same price as KIND bars and do the trick if I’m craving a softer snack! They are bursting with protein and fiber! Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough is my guilty pleasure!

4. TERRA Chips 

Let’s admit it, we all love potato chips. Potatoes may be a Paleo no-no, but that doesn’t mean we have to wave goodbye to chips! TERRA Chips provide a perfect and tasty option! Sweets & Beets and Mediterranean are pretty much the bomb, although they have a TON of incredible flavors! You’ll be sure to enjoy testing them all out! Bags are about $4, but will last one person a while and they can be found pretty much anywhere!


What are some of your favorite Paleo snack products?

Cauliflower Love

20140323-193919.jpgI made Mac & Cheese for dinner.

Well, Mac & Cheese with no mac.

Or cheese.


It’s all good.

I used Azul Home’s Vegan Mac & Cheese printable recipe.

Vegan mac and cheese recipe. Just use cauliflower or broc instead of pasta.

But since I didn’t have all the ingredients, I just adjusted.

Here’s what I used…

Paleo Mac & Cheese

1/2 head of cauliflower

pinch sea salt

1 1/2 tsp lemon juice

1/2 tsp mustard

pinch of Cheyenne

pinch of turmeric

1/2 cup nutritional yeast flakes

I cut the cauliflower into the desired chunks, placed in a medium sauce pan, then covered in water and sprinkled sea salt over them. I boiled them on high until they were cooked, but not mushy (about 6-7 minutes).

While the cauliflower softened, I mixed the next two ingredients (lemon juice and mustard) in a small bowl. I then mixed the dry ingredients separately in a serving bowl.

Once the cauliflower was ready, I poured the cauliflower into a strainer, removing all the extra water. After this, I poured in back into the pan and stirred in the lemon juice/mustard mixture. Then I poured this into the serving bowl with the cheyenne, turmeric and nutritional yeast. I stirred thoroughly, served, and devoured.


With the other half of my cauliflower head, I sliced it, tossed it with some olive oil and baked to make a Saturday evening snack.



Continue reading




This weekend I got in touch with my inner “cavewoman.”




But we did explore a bunch of caves.


Loaded with nuts, fruits, and never enough water, my friend, Kimber, and I took my brother on a Saturday hiking adventure.

We let my brother choose the trails we blazed. He picked all the ones that were associated with a cave, which was pretty cool. He’s kind of obsessed with Native Americans, so we made a point to search for Indian markings on all the caves and crevices.


Although our search was very thorough, we didn’t find any Indian markings.


But we did climb a lot of rocks.


And took a bunch of pictures.

Sweet memories.

Superfoods: Carob and Nutritional Yeast

I have to admit, my favorite part about eating paleo is “superfoods”.  I’m sure everyone has a different way of defining superfoods, but for me superfoods are specific foods that are bursting with innumerable good stuff, like minerals, proteins, fiber, vitamins, or antioxidants. I love eating a meal with superfoods and knowing that I am consuming a TON of important nutrients that my body needs. The superfoods I eat the most of on a regular basis are cage free eggs, spinach, kale, sweet potatoes, dried dates, and grapefruit. I also eat “supersupplements” like flax seed and chia seed.  And water, I mean, water should qualify as a “super-something”, right?!

Anyways, last week I tried out two new super-supplements.

Carob powder and Nutritional Yeast flakes.

You’re probably wondering, “what in the world..?” If you’ve never had the chance to learn, or test, these unique flavors, here’s a little bit about them.

Carob is often thought of as a healthier chocolate option. But that thought can be challenged because both chocolate and carob a bunch of health benefits. These are some of the super benefits that raw carob provides:

Balanced hormones

Appetite Suppressant

Lowered Cholesterol

Builds Bones


Promoted Digestive Health

Carob can be substituted for chocolate in pretty much any recipe.

As far as the taste goes, I would describe carob as an “earthy” chocolate and an acquired taste.  Not everyone in my family is a carob fan.

Nutritional Yeast is a supplement that I learned about only a few months ago. If you are like me, the first thing you thought was probably, “Yeast? Like, yeast yeast??? Whaaat?”

To answer that question, “No. not like yeast yeast.”

Yes, it does have yeast in it. But it uses yeast that has primarily been grown as yeast, and not brewed. What makes it a superfood is the insertion of B-1, B-2, B-3, B-6, and B-12. In addition to all those B vitamins, nutritional yeast also boast iron and folic acid.

I’ve read that nutritional yeast resembles Parmesan cheese in taste. I’m not sure I’d go that far. However, it does have a rich, almost salty taste.

Suggested supplement include adding 2 Tbs in smoothies, or vegetable juices. I’ve enjoyed sprinkling it on top of a fried egg.:)

Homemade Almond Butter

I don’t buy almond butter. I make it myself which is a cheaper and more natural alternative. It’s also pretty simple.

almond butter

Here’s what you’ll need:

2 cups whole almonds (You’ll end up with about a cup of butter)

Sea Salt, to taste (optional)

Blender or food processer (I use a NutriBullet)


Start by grinding almonds.


Take a spoon and push down the sides.


Blend again, and push down the sides. If you are adding salt, you can pour it in now. Let your almond mixture sit for a few minutes, giving the almonds a chance to release their natural oils. Keep blending, scraping, and sitting, until the almond meal turns into a paste, and finally, almond butter.


The Best…

My brother started it.

A casual conversation between siblings.

He ask me what “my best” was.

My best tree to climb, best funny story, or best moment.

(He’s seven and appreciate the simple things in life.)

My best…

You don’t have to be old to realize these are the best.  Curled up with my family in front of our wood stove on a cold crisp snow day. Reliving old memories, but making new ones too.

We’ll look back at these moments one day.

“Hey, do you remember when it snowed that one time in March and we made face masks from banana pulp?”

“Those were the days.”

I Like Warm Hugs

Like Olaf from Disney’s latest and greatest “princess” movie, Frozen, I dream of summer.  The 70 degree weather that we southerners experienced not two weeks ago was enough to spoil me in to a few complaints when I awoke yesterday to a drearily rainy and miserably cold March morning. But I was determined to fine a positive element today.  After all, whether it be rain or sun shining weather, every day is a gift from God. Rain is a good thing, right? I had hoped that it would rain enough to lift the burn ban that our county, as well as most surrounding counties, are under at the mo. Given the fact that it not only continued to rain throughout my cozy Sunday, but that that rain advanced to sleet and snow, I don’t think a burn ban is still such an issue. We are currently burried under a whopping 3-4 inches of mixed ice and snow.

“School has already been cancelled for tomorrow.” I wrote in an email to my friend yesterday (I usually prefer text, but then again phones are hardly in working order after being accidentally drowned. It was tragic). “Yippeeeeeeeeee. I was so excited that I dropped and did ten push-ups. Seriously, my day has been made.”
I can rejoice in having another day or two to fine tune my paper which would have been graded in person tomorrow.
I suppose there is more than one thing to be thankful for. There usually is, if only we stop to look for it.